Palliative Care 2022

Dear Dr. Quirino Piacevoli,

Warm Wishes from Palliative Care 2022!

We are considering you as an important person for the Palliative Care Conference 2022. We are very glad to extend our sincere request to you to join and deliver a speech at the 3rd International Conference on Palliative Care during February 14-15, 2022 at Rome, Italy.

Your expertise and your work on field of palliative care would lend valuable insight to our event. We would like to use our event to bring the spotlight on your achievements.

The Conference mainly focused on sessions such as hospice and palliative care education, Gerontology and Geriatric palliative care, paediatrics, health care management, nursing and mental health and oncology.

Palliative Care 2022 conference aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and research scholars, Doctors, Nurses, Diagnostics firms and Healthcare specialists to exchange and share their experiences and research results on all aspects of hospice and palliative care.

You can read more at Palliative care event

Kindly we are requesting towards your acceptance for this prestigious event.

For any further assistance and more details for please be happy to contact us.


Warm regards,
Jessica Lois
Program Manager